Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Pant Cuffs

Stylish men face a critical choice when purchasing slacks; to cuff or not to cuff. Cuffing or not cuffing slacks comes down to personal choice and there is no right or wrong answer. While the current trend is flat front slacks without cuffs, some men still prefer pleated slacks with cuffs. Cuffs look best on tall men, while shorter men will appear taller without cuffs. Slacks which are made of heavier material such as flannel look best if cuffed because they add weight. Cuffs are not necessary with flat front slacks, but add to the overall aesthetic to pleated slacks. Pants with cuffs are considered to be dressier while pants without cuffs are considered to be more European and fashion forward. The proper width of a cuff should only be 1 ¼ inch – no more, no less.

Cuffs will always be in style no matter what the fashion rags say. They have a rich heritage dating back to King Edward the VII in the 1890s and crossed the Atlantic in the early 20th century to become the standard in stylish menswear. Cuff or no cuff; it is really up to you.

Written for the Miles David - Mens Custom Clothier website.

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